
Nomachine enterprise client
Nomachine enterprise client

TR02U10773 - Sudden termination of the NoMachine display agent on Fedora 36 TR01U10754 - User cannot connect to a Windows node through the cloud server TR01U10755 - The NoMachine menu shows a user as connected even if such user is not connected TR01U10759 - Sudden termination of session when starting Firefox or other applications in a virtual desktop on Plasma Wayland TR01U10753 - Propagation of profile rules from the cloud server doesn't work if the node is a Workstation TR02U10772 - Cannot start up snap applications within NoMachine virtual sessions on systems using cgroupsv1 TR05R09717 - A misleading error message is printed in logs when Kerberos tickets are renewed The complete list of fixes included in this 8.4.2 release are:

nomachine enterprise client

Additionally, the nxhtd component is now updated to be based on httpd 2.4.55 and relies on the last version of APR libraries, apr-1.7.2 and apr-util-1.6.3, which fix a number of security issues (CVE-2022-28331, CVE-2021-35940, CVE-2022-28331 and CVE-2022-25147).Īll NoMachine users are advised to update their client and server installations with this latest NoMachine release which contains the updated OpenSSL and Apache libraries. This release also updates the OpenSSL component to 1.1.1t following the recent advisory published by the OpenSSL project (CVE-2023-0286, CVE-2022-4304, CVE-2023-0215 and CVE-2022-4450). Enhancements included are support for Swedish keyboard in web sessions and the possibility to set and display profile rules via CLI using the node name with the '-node-name NAME' parameter. NoMachine makes available updated packages for version 8 to fix some issues affecting previous releases such as misleading error message when Kerberos authentication tickets are renewed, non-working propagation of profile rules from Cloud Server to Workstation Linux, and connections to Windows nodes not working when connecting via Cloud Server.

Nomachine enterprise client